Tuesday, April 16, 2013

El Enigma Nazi - Comentarios

El Enigma Nazi

El secreto esoterico del III Reich

Cuando uno piensa a Hitler, a su regimen, uno no se imagina lo increible que es la historia de la subida del Nazismo, ni se imagina que este movimiento encuentra su fuente tan atraz en la historia, tanto en Alemania [antes mismo de la primera guerra mundiale], pero tambien al traves de la historia del hombre, tras culturas tan agenas que las del extreme-oriente.

Yo no me imaginava que el desequilibrio mental de Hitler fue notado tan temprano, des de su adolescencia. Pero un hombre solo no puede llevar asi a las mulchidumbre de forma tan facil, como si la gente havia suspendido sus faculdades de razonamiento. No, aunque que todo acaba con Hitler, todo no empezo con el. Su obsecion con el occultismo, con todo lo que es esoterico, todas las supersticiones y mitos de los pueblos antiguos y particularmente los pueblos germanicos de la antiquidad e de la epoca medievale, todo eso empezo con otra gente, con las mismas afinidades, com el mismo fervor y el mismo fanatismo. Un gruposculo de hombres, algunos aristocratas Alemanes, inspirados por un eclesiastico reformado, omnibulado por las artes occultas y los ritos secretos esotericos de todas las religiones, inclusive los ritos cabalisticos de la religion judia. Ellos buscaron a ampliar sus conoscimientos de todo lo que es oculto y mistico en partes del mundo como las Indias, Africa, el medio oriente, por donde se podia encontrar leyendas que tratava de poder sobrenatural. Ni una piedra queso sin tornar. En esto grupo de fanatico, llego un Joven Hitler, ya fragil de mente pero fuerte de caracter convencido en su cabeza enferma que tenia una mision en su vida, la de salvar y levantar de nuevo a la pureza del pueblo Germanico. Aggregen a esta locura, el facto que los dirigente deste grupito veian a Hitler la llegada en la Tierra del Ante-Cristo, la mescla so podia ser explosiva.

Esta pasion febrile que une a todos los Nazis de la epoca iniciale del movimiento fue canalizada de forma muy habile y esta fuerza fue utilizada para proceder al avance technologico lo mas grande et lo mas impresionanted de toda la historia de la humanidad. Avances que hoy, 70 anos despues estamos solamente empezando a alcanzar. De donde sacaron toda esta sabiduria? Como lograron llegar tan adelante de todo lo que se habia descubierto a esta epoca?

Al leer este libro, uno tiene que pincharse para realizar que no esta sonando y leyendo un libro analytico de la historia del III Reich, porque se parece tanto a un libro de "Indiana Jones" cuyo fue adaptado al cine con Harrisson Ford. Increible, se lo recommiendo a todos los que leen Espanol.

Espero que lo disfruten tanto como lo distrute yo.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013




Explosive finish, yet still managed to end on a cliffhanger...  
This volume has a certain finality to it. Quaeryt continues to be forced to take measures he'd rather not, but his dreams for a better future for Scholars and Imagers depend upon his pushing of the envelope. Doing nothing or too little also puts in danger not only his life but also that of his beloved wife and his unborn daughter. Not helping his King and Brother in law also puts that future in peril, although he is still wary of Lord Bhayar and his ultimate goals, however, he knows that of all the Lords, in the world, Bhayar is by far the most understanding and complascent of his and his brethren's plight.  His best chances lie with tying his lot with that of his Liege, a symbiotic relationship on so many levels, an alliance rooted in a deep understanding that the world is not ready for what each wishes it to be. 

The biggest Ennemy is finally vanquished, but at an exhorbitant cost. All seems so final, so decisive, but as the fog of war dissipates, and the wounded count the losses in property, lives and moral values, the horizon start to paint new obstacles and ennemies approaching. A large step has been taken towards peace and civilization, but it is nonetheless, just a step in the long, neverending journey towards a kinder world and harmony between the nations of Lydar. 

"Antiagon Fire" is the next volume on the Imager Portfolio series. I've already pre-ordered it. It will come to Market in May 2013. I can't wait to see how L.E. Modesitt Jr. tops this one. I was convinced it was the final volume of this series, yet I am pleasantly surprised that he has more in store for us.

A Memory of Light





An amazing finish to a 14 book series, each volume averaging 800 pages. What a wonderful story, one single plot, told in detail over 10,000 pages in a span of close to 20 years. Robert Jordan is a genius surpassing J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S Lewis. Each humongous volume ended in a cliffhanger. An edge of your seat tale from the very first page of the very first book to the very last one with a formidable conclusion that keeps you guessing until the very last page. Simply incredible!!!!

Robert Jordan had the foresight to not only leave his work as complete as possible, but he also, knowing his own days were counted, had the genius to recognize in Sanderson, the brilliant author that he is and ensured that the very detailed outline he left for the last 3 volumes would be written and published in a way that would keep the quality and the depth of his writing.

Mr. Jordan you are missed, I will now start reading other books from Brandon Sanderson since he did such a great job finish you masterpiece.

If don't know Robert Jordan and his series of the Wheel of Time, I suggest you pick up the first volume, and I warn you, you will embark on a 10,000 pages adventure that will leave you breathless until you put down the very last book.