Everyone who knows me, knows that I am an avid reader. I read for business purposes, mainly essays on economics, financial reports, biographies, self help books, political and business books of every type. I will report on those and give my recommendations on my other blog:
"Entrepreneurial Warfare for the Independent Mind".
This blog I created for everything else I read. Mostly books of budding writer, who are starting in the writing world. Authors of note, authors who should be discovered, or if already "established" should be shared. I will comment on those books here in this blog. I will do so in the language I read them. There will be various sections such as :
- Epic Fantasy
- Horror/Thriller
- Sci-Fi.
- Biographies.
- Historical books, articles and Blogs (My personal favorite as a History fan),
- Fiction novels.
- Non-fiction novels.
- Gastronomy books (Novels and Recipe books)
- Classical literature in their original version (Portuguese for P. Coelho, Spanish for Allende, Garcia Marques, R. Dario, J.M. Heredia, J. Marti. English for Wilde, Melville, London, Hemingway, G.Stein, Twain, Steinbeck, Dickens... French for R.Merle, M.Pagnol, Flaubert, etc.
The objective of this blog, is not to impress with how much I read or what I read, I've passed the age when I need to impress anyone, much less myself. The idea is to share my passion for reading and most importantly to make you want to read those very books I will be writing about. If there is a book I do not like (they are rare), I will simply not write about them. I will not engage in book/author bashing. There is nothing to be gained for anyone by doing that. If there is a constructive criticism to be made, I will simply make it directly to the author and explain my point of view, which is by no means infallible. So there it is. I have quite a busy schedule and I don't expect to write long reviews, but rather a meaningful blurb about a book that will tease your interest, then provoke you to go purchase it, or obtain it from your local library to discover it or Re-discover it and see if what I say about it is really what you recall of it. No two person see an object the same way, nor do they interpret the same book the same way, just like a story told touches each listener or reader differently. I will simply give you a glimpse of what I got from each of these books. You may or may not see the same thing, but hopefully, you will want to find out and then share it with others.
This is a blog, which is meant to be interactive. Nobody has to agree with me, but whether you agree or not, do drop a comment. It allows me to know what you MY readers are interested in. Ask me about a book you have read. If I did not read it, I will purchase it and read it, just so I can comment on it. Promise. Let's share our passion and exchange opinions, thoughts about it. Whether you are a reader, an author or both, famous or not, join it, anonymously or not, it doesn't matter, just participarte.
Thank you all in advance for your participation.
Happy Readings,
Christian-Adam Ribeiraud
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