The Rise of the Destroyer, from A.R. Ross and M.D. Bushnell is now available in French, as of today Friday 13th of September 2013.
The A.R and Mike liked the Friday the 13th date, and it seems so fitting to publish on such a famous/infamous day.
I am honored to be the translator from English to French and am very grateful to both A.R and Mike for they trust and vote of confidence.
Find it on in paper back edition as well as in the Electronic "Kindle" format just click on the link below or type in the French Title on
Émergence de l'Aneantisseur
Pass it around to your French reader contacts.
I am passionate about reading in general. I will share this passion here, writing a blurb about every book I read, what I like about them and why. Hopefully this will tease your curiosity enough that you will want to get the book, read it and then share it in turn. Books are works of passion, and passion should be shared.
- Le coin de Philea (33)
- Science Fiction/Fantasy/Fantastic (4)
- Author Don Festge's Corner (2)
- Blog presentation (2)
- French History (2)
- Author Jacqueline Wales Corner (1)
- Biographie (1)
- Bugey (1)
- Economics (1)
- European History (1)
- Histoire Locale (1)
- Novel inspired by true life story (1)
- Politcs (1)
- Reflexions (1)
- Roman Fiction (1)
- US History (1)
Friday, September 13, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
El Enigma Nazi - Comentarios
El Enigma Nazi
El secreto esoterico del III Reich
Cuando uno piensa a Hitler, a su regimen, uno no se imagina lo increible
que es la historia de la subida del Nazismo, ni se imagina que este
movimiento encuentra su fuente tan atraz en la historia, tanto en
Alemania [antes mismo de la primera guerra mundiale], pero tambien al
traves de la historia del hombre, tras culturas tan agenas que las del
Yo no me imaginava que el desequilibrio mental de Hitler fue notado tan temprano, des de su adolescencia. Pero un hombre solo no puede llevar asi a las mulchidumbre de forma tan facil, como si la gente havia suspendido sus faculdades de razonamiento. No, aunque que todo acaba con Hitler, todo no empezo con el. Su obsecion con el occultismo, con todo lo que es esoterico, todas las supersticiones y mitos de los pueblos antiguos y particularmente los pueblos germanicos de la antiquidad e de la epoca medievale, todo eso empezo con otra gente, con las mismas afinidades, com el mismo fervor y el mismo fanatismo. Un gruposculo de hombres, algunos aristocratas Alemanes, inspirados por un eclesiastico reformado, omnibulado por las artes occultas y los ritos secretos esotericos de todas las religiones, inclusive los ritos cabalisticos de la religion judia. Ellos buscaron a ampliar sus conoscimientos de todo lo que es oculto y mistico en partes del mundo como las Indias, Africa, el medio oriente, por donde se podia encontrar leyendas que tratava de poder sobrenatural. Ni una piedra queso sin tornar. En esto grupo de fanatico, llego un Joven Hitler, ya fragil de mente pero fuerte de caracter convencido en su cabeza enferma que tenia una mision en su vida, la de salvar y levantar de nuevo a la pureza del pueblo Germanico. Aggregen a esta locura, el facto que los dirigente deste grupito veian a Hitler la llegada en la Tierra del Ante-Cristo, la mescla so podia ser explosiva.
Esta pasion febrile que une a todos los Nazis de la epoca iniciale del movimiento fue canalizada de forma muy habile y esta fuerza fue utilizada para proceder al avance technologico lo mas grande et lo mas impresionanted de toda la historia de la humanidad. Avances que hoy, 70 anos despues estamos solamente empezando a alcanzar. De donde sacaron toda esta sabiduria? Como lograron llegar tan adelante de todo lo que se habia descubierto a esta epoca?
Al leer este libro, uno tiene que pincharse para realizar que no esta sonando y leyendo un libro analytico de la historia del III Reich, porque se parece tanto a un libro de "Indiana Jones" cuyo fue adaptado al cine con Harrisson Ford. Increible, se lo recommiendo a todos los que leen Espanol.
Espero que lo disfruten tanto como lo distrute yo.
Yo no me imaginava que el desequilibrio mental de Hitler fue notado tan temprano, des de su adolescencia. Pero un hombre solo no puede llevar asi a las mulchidumbre de forma tan facil, como si la gente havia suspendido sus faculdades de razonamiento. No, aunque que todo acaba con Hitler, todo no empezo con el. Su obsecion con el occultismo, con todo lo que es esoterico, todas las supersticiones y mitos de los pueblos antiguos y particularmente los pueblos germanicos de la antiquidad e de la epoca medievale, todo eso empezo con otra gente, con las mismas afinidades, com el mismo fervor y el mismo fanatismo. Un gruposculo de hombres, algunos aristocratas Alemanes, inspirados por un eclesiastico reformado, omnibulado por las artes occultas y los ritos secretos esotericos de todas las religiones, inclusive los ritos cabalisticos de la religion judia. Ellos buscaron a ampliar sus conoscimientos de todo lo que es oculto y mistico en partes del mundo como las Indias, Africa, el medio oriente, por donde se podia encontrar leyendas que tratava de poder sobrenatural. Ni una piedra queso sin tornar. En esto grupo de fanatico, llego un Joven Hitler, ya fragil de mente pero fuerte de caracter convencido en su cabeza enferma que tenia una mision en su vida, la de salvar y levantar de nuevo a la pureza del pueblo Germanico. Aggregen a esta locura, el facto que los dirigente deste grupito veian a Hitler la llegada en la Tierra del Ante-Cristo, la mescla so podia ser explosiva.
Esta pasion febrile que une a todos los Nazis de la epoca iniciale del movimiento fue canalizada de forma muy habile y esta fuerza fue utilizada para proceder al avance technologico lo mas grande et lo mas impresionanted de toda la historia de la humanidad. Avances que hoy, 70 anos despues estamos solamente empezando a alcanzar. De donde sacaron toda esta sabiduria? Como lograron llegar tan adelante de todo lo que se habia descubierto a esta epoca?
Al leer este libro, uno tiene que pincharse para realizar que no esta sonando y leyendo un libro analytico de la historia del III Reich, porque se parece tanto a un libro de "Indiana Jones" cuyo fue adaptado al cine con Harrisson Ford. Increible, se lo recommiendo a todos los que leen Espanol.
Espero que lo disfruten tanto como lo distrute yo.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Explosive finish, yet still managed to end on a
This volume has a certain finality to it. Quaeryt continues to be forced to take measures he'd rather not, but his dreams for a better future for Scholars and Imagers depend upon his pushing of the envelope. Doing nothing or too little also puts in danger not only his life but also that of his beloved wife and his unborn daughter. Not helping his King and Brother in law also puts that future in peril, although he is still wary of Lord Bhayar and his ultimate goals, however, he knows that of all the Lords, in the world, Bhayar is by far the most understanding and complascent of his and his brethren's plight. His best chances lie with tying his lot with that of his Liege, a symbiotic relationship on so many levels, an alliance rooted in a deep understanding that the world is not ready for what each wishes it to be.
The biggest Ennemy is finally vanquished, but at an exhorbitant cost. All seems so final, so decisive, but as the fog of war dissipates, and the wounded count the losses in property, lives and moral values, the horizon start to paint new obstacles and ennemies approaching. A large step has been taken towards peace and civilization, but it is nonetheless, just a step in the long, neverending journey towards a kinder world and harmony between the nations of Lydar.
Fire" is the next volume on the Imager Portfolio series. I've already
pre-ordered it. It will come to Market in May 2013. I can't wait to see how L.E. Modesitt Jr. tops this one. I was convinced it was the final volume of this series, yet I am pleasantly surprised that he has more in store for us.
A Memory of Light
An amazing finish to a 14
book series, each volume averaging 800 pages. What a wonderful story,
one single plot, told in detail over 10,000 pages in a span of close to
20 years. Robert Jordan is a genius surpassing J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S
Lewis. Each humongous volume ended in a cliffhanger. An edge of your
seat tale from the very first page of the very first book to the very
last one with a formidable conclusion that keeps you guessing until the
very last page. Simply incredible!!!!
Robert Jordan had the
foresight to not only leave his work as complete as possible, but he
also, knowing his own days were counted, had the genius to recognize in
Sanderson, the brilliant author that he is and ensured that the very
detailed outline he left for the last 3 volumes would be written and
published in a way that would keep the quality and the depth of his
Mr. Jordan you are missed, I will now start reading
other books from Brandon Sanderson since he did such a great job finish
you masterpiece.
If don't know Robert Jordan and his series of
the Wheel of Time, I suggest you pick up the first volume, and I warn
you, you will embark on a 10,000 pages adventure that will leave you
breathless until you put down the very last book.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Killing Lincoln - The shocking assassination that changed America forever
I've read several reviews on this book. Most of the negative
reviews seemed to be politically motivated and aimed at the main author
Bill O'Reilly rather than at the actual content of the book. One of the
negative criticism actually motivated me to purchase and read the book.
It claimed that the book lacked in historical dryness (my word), it
lamented that it was not readacted as a documentary but as a Novel. it
went into detail asking how Bill O'Reilly and his co-author Martin
Dugard, knew that a slight breeze brushed Wilkes Booths Face right
before he pulled the trigger and how they knew about his state of mind
and emotions at that moment. What historical fact did they base such
detailed description of what took place... Note from me, I just put the
book down an hour ago and do not recall such details as the breeze
gently brushing Wilkes cheek. That reader had an amazing memory for
inocuous and useless details in the story but somehow seemed to forget
about the great work it took to piece together all the reports and
testimonies and accounts available through public and private records.
It took a great deal of time, hard work and talent to take all those
bits and pieces of factual info and weave it into a story interesting
enough to be read with pleasure by anyone, remain fluid in its narration
while remaining historically true and keep a solid construct allowing
for the detailed hour by hour accounting of the events.
I had to laugh for a while. That critic made the highest compliment to the authors inadvertently. There has been countless books written about the civil war and the events that lead to and succeeded the Killing of President Lincoln. Most are dreary laundry lists of dated events, and emotionnally sanitized accounts of what transpired by listing testimonials and inserting here and there excerpts from Memoirs and biographies of the illustrious people present at that time. Needless to say that, unless you are writing a paper for college on that subject, those are boring reads to anyone even someone as passionate about history as I am. So that particular critic, was exactly what I needed to know about the book to convince me that it must be an interesting read. I went on to purchase it that very same day and it has been a great read.
The romantic licence that O'Reilly and Dugard took is no less necessary to keep the reader, not only interested but to really give him the sensation that he is taking a glimpse back in time and personnally witnessing the historical events in person. It is very much like the sensation one has when watching a great movie, particularly one based on true historical events. Such a movie was recently made on this very subject of Lincoln's life, played by the acclaimed actor Daniel Day Lewis. I am now interested in watching that movie and compare my notes on it from those I took in my mind from the book of O'Reilly/Dugart.
It truly is a great and passionate read, I only put it down reluctantly, each chapter frames a very specific point in history and in the steps that lead to the assassination. The historical purity is preserved as much as possible, when rumors are used it is clearly stated that it is rumors only and specifies that not proof has been advanced to subtantiate those rumors. If you are a reader like me, you read everything in the book from the notes to readers and prologue, to the epilogue and other notes. All are very pertinent to the histroy buff, as it gives us more details about what happened to some of the characters in the story in the days and years following the dreadful events.
Great strory telling, I am recommending it to my 13 year-old son who will soon be studying the US civil war in his social studies classes. It is an easy read even for teenagers. I urge everyone to read this book for what it is: the greatest tale of historical events that puts a real presctive on Lincoln's assassination.
I had to laugh for a while. That critic made the highest compliment to the authors inadvertently. There has been countless books written about the civil war and the events that lead to and succeeded the Killing of President Lincoln. Most are dreary laundry lists of dated events, and emotionnally sanitized accounts of what transpired by listing testimonials and inserting here and there excerpts from Memoirs and biographies of the illustrious people present at that time. Needless to say that, unless you are writing a paper for college on that subject, those are boring reads to anyone even someone as passionate about history as I am. So that particular critic, was exactly what I needed to know about the book to convince me that it must be an interesting read. I went on to purchase it that very same day and it has been a great read.
The romantic licence that O'Reilly and Dugard took is no less necessary to keep the reader, not only interested but to really give him the sensation that he is taking a glimpse back in time and personnally witnessing the historical events in person. It is very much like the sensation one has when watching a great movie, particularly one based on true historical events. Such a movie was recently made on this very subject of Lincoln's life, played by the acclaimed actor Daniel Day Lewis. I am now interested in watching that movie and compare my notes on it from those I took in my mind from the book of O'Reilly/Dugart.
It truly is a great and passionate read, I only put it down reluctantly, each chapter frames a very specific point in history and in the steps that lead to the assassination. The historical purity is preserved as much as possible, when rumors are used it is clearly stated that it is rumors only and specifies that not proof has been advanced to subtantiate those rumors. If you are a reader like me, you read everything in the book from the notes to readers and prologue, to the epilogue and other notes. All are very pertinent to the histroy buff, as it gives us more details about what happened to some of the characters in the story in the days and years following the dreadful events.
Great strory telling, I am recommending it to my 13 year-old son who will soon be studying the US civil war in his social studies classes. It is an easy read even for teenagers. I urge everyone to read this book for what it is: the greatest tale of historical events that puts a real presctive on Lincoln's assassination.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
La Democratie Francaise, Valerie Giscard D'Estaing
La Démocratie Française
de Valéry Giscard D’Estaing
J'ai été très surpris. J’étais gosse quand V.G.D.'E. a été élu et j'avais exactement 11 ans au moment ou il écrivit ce livre. Un portrait de la Société Française de l’époque très clair. Une analyse approfondie de l’état de la Nation a cette époque la et des propos et une vision pour l'avenir du pays très perspicace.
Tout au long de mon adolescence mon opinion de V.G.D.'E. a été teintée par les masses média et le portrait très peu flatteur qui se faisait de lui par la presse et le gouvernement de gauche. C'est donc avec surprise que je découvre, l'Homme qu'il était par ses écrits. Il décrit adroitement sans pompe ni arrogance la France qu'il aime, le peuple qu'il admire et respecte. Il fait preuve d'un patriotisme profond, mais sans zèle ni ferveur fanatique. Un amour, profond, respectueux et véritable pour la France et les Français, et toute la diversité culture, ethnique et intellectuelle qu'ils représentent.
Je n'ai pas vu le Snob auto-promu aristocrate imbu de lui-même, aimant s’écouter discourir comme la presse de l’époque et l'appareil politique de gauche aimait le peindre en portrait. Beaucoup de ce qu'il dit, sont toujours valable aujourd'hui. Ses avertissements quant au possible devenir de la France si tel ou tel chemin est suivi et telle ou telle précaution n'est pas prise, est étrangement prophétique car nous en voyant exactement la preuve de nos jours. Certaines opinions avancées, par contre ont été déboutées par l'histoire, mais ces derniers sont moins nombreuses que celle qui ont été prouvées de la même façon.
je le recommande fortement a tous. Lecture facile et fluide, un livre court, clair et concis.
Bonne lecture vous allez découvrir V.G.D.'E. que vous croyiez le connaitre ou pas, ce livre vous sera très révélateur a son sujet. Personnellement je l’apprécie maintenant et le respecte. Je vais de ce pas rechercher d'autres ouvrages qu'il a écrit pour continuer de faire sa connaissance.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Mandrin Le Voleur d'Impots, par Yves Jacob
Le voleur d'impots
Par Yves Jacob
Editions Tallandier
Cette biographie d'un personnage historique de la region Rhone-Alpes, ramene sur terre l'image d'un homme a qui le conte populaire du XVIIIe siecle avait donne des proportions mythiques et un charactere legendaire de bienveillance envers le petit peuple, tel Robin des Bois.
Une breve presentation de la famille dans laquelle Mandrin est ne et surtout l'atmosphere economique et politique en France a une epoque a peine a quelques decennie precedant la Revolution Francaise. Ceci nous aide a comprendre quel genre de personne fut reellement Mandrin. On le suit de l'enfance a l'adolescence. Fils aine d'un maquignon de St Etienne de St Geoirs en Isere, il est force tres tot de devenir chef de famille a 17 ans, a la mort prematuree de son Pere.
Dote de l'enseigement du negoce et du marchandage de maquignon qu'il tient de son Pere, il est soutenu par une Mere ambitieuse, mais denuee d'intelligence vive, vicieuse et superstitieuse et surtout sans genes ni scrupules. C'est le depart que la vie donna a Louis Mandrin. En fin d'adolescence et jeune adulte, il agit plus a l'image de sa mere, sans trop d'honneur et de facon tres egocentrique et se lance dans des actions commerciales, peu reflechie et moins preparees.
Les echecs qui se suivent et se multiplient tres top dans sa carriere de maquigon et commercant, ajoutent a l'amertume naissant qui forgera le cote nocif du charactere de Mandrin. Les agissements des Fermiers Generaux de l'epoque et de leurs hommes d'armes, les "Gapians", contribuent fortement a sa descente aux enfers du commerce. A peine lance dans sa carriere, le voila ruine, non tant par sa faute que par celle du sort. Une campagne militaire, la Guerre d'Italie, avortee prematurement, detruit ses reves de richesses et de gloire commerciales avant meme qu'il ne puisse vraiment se developpe comme maquigon. Les Fermiers Generaux qui devaient l'indemnise au nom du Roi de France qui lui avait passe commande, lui nierent son droit, le laissant ruine et sans recours, puisque sous l'ancien regimes, les fermiers Generaux, ces collecteurs d'impots, agissent selon leur gre et disposent de leur propre armee, s'enrichissant sur le dos du peuple et volant meme le Roi, et ce impunement.
La haine envers les Fermiers Generaux est partagee par tout le peuple et particulierement dans les provinces frontalieres avec la Suisse, la Savoie et l'Italie. Mandrin est alors un homme vigoureux de plus de 25 ans, si il est aussi denue de scrupules que sa Mere, il a herite, par contre de la vivacite d'esprit et de l'intelligence de son Pere. Il profite des sentiments du peuple envers les Gapians et les fermiers Generaux pour se lancer dans une campagne vindicative contre ces ruffiants qui accablent le peuple. Il se lance dans la contrebande de produits achetes en Suisse et en Savoie pour en inonder ce qui est aujourd'hui la region Rhone-Alpes. Ne pillant et ne maltraitant que les Fermiers Generaux et les Gapians, payant son passage et ce dont il a besoin aux particuliers, les enrichissants egalement en leur vendant pour moins de la moitie des prix en vigueur sa contrebande, il devient rapidement un heros populaire.
Il pille les caisses des collecteurs d'impots. Maltraite et parfois tue les Gapians qui terrorisent le peuple impunement, organise une veritable armee de contrebandiers qui sevit avec une precision militaire, dans toute la partie Sud Est du Royaume de France, et arrose genereusement ceux qui se range de son cote, lui fournisse ce dont il a besoin ou espionne pour lui.
Un genie militaire, il dejoue tous les pieges tendus pare les Dragons du Roi de France, tant et si bien, qu'une veritable armee est lancee contre lui en vain. Il ne doit sa capture qu'a la tactique sournoise du Colonel de La Morliere et de ses troupes, qui s'introduisirent illegallement en Savoie en pleine nuit pour surprendre Mandrin dans sa chambre alors qu'il se croyait en securite en pays etranger.
Ses exploits sont reellement digne d'Hollywood du 21e siecle. Son amour propre et sa "folie des Grandeurs" furent pour beaucoup au fait que Mandrin s'efforca d'etre digne de l'image que le peuple se faisait de lui. Il mourut en heros, tragiquement mais heroiquement, fier jusqu'a la derniere minute.
Un livre historique, tres precis, appuye de faits et de recherches methodiques, par un historien qui se soucie plus de la veracite du recit ainsi que l'authenticite des faits rapportes. Les ressources bibliographiques y sont minutieusement citees afin de rendre l'essentiel du recit verifiable. Le talent de conteur d'Yves Jacob font que le livre est aimable, voir passionnant a lire, digne du Roman plutot que du recit historique.
Un apercu sur la vie en Bugey, Savoie, Dauphine et Auvergne a peine quelques annees avant la Revolution Francaise. Je le recommande vivement, particulierement a ceux qui connaissent la region Rhone-Alpes, vous y reconnaitrez tous les lieux qui y sont cites au cours des aventures de Mandrin, Le Robin des Bois Rhone-Alpin.
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